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  • Quick and easy water testing; no mess
  • Gives accurate results
  • Results appear in just 30 seconds
  • Test for Free Chlorine, pH, Total Alkalinity, & Stabilizer

Ideal for customers who use chlorine as sanitizer in their pool or spa. includes a test for cyanuric acid (stabilizer), which is especially important for outdoor pools and spas which are subject to chlorine dissipation from UV rays.

get 4 important test results in just one dip! just dip an AquaChek yellow strip in your pool or spa water for one second and remove it immediately. you get test results in seconds.

to keep your pool water clean and healthy, test the water at two ends or sides of the pool a minimum of twice a week. if used in a spa we reccommend testing it before and after each use. its also good idea to write down your results each time you test.

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Safety Data Sheets

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